Thursday, October 22, 2009


OMG, my last post was almost two months ago! Yeah, I am slacking!

Well, I am back in school AGAIN...Four years were enough but I gotta go through another two years!!!!!!!! God, help me! haha..

I've been shopping online at Forever21(so much cute stuff, but so little money)! I am loving it because I can watch Youtube while shopping, thank goodness for internet! haha..

I got a letter from the bank, and they are increasing my interests! =\ wHaT?!?! I have never been late on a payment,nor do I have a large debt! They can do whatever they want and we have to take it?! Well, I DON'T!! I am going to pay it off and close out that bitch! lol..Nah, probably leave it open and not using it, and let the credits build! Didn't the banks get a bail out?!?! so wtf?! Probably the CEO was behind on his maintenance fee for his yacht, and decided that we have to pay for it! hahaha..

Anyways...til next time.

^~^ One love!
~Koalaqueen KiKi~

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shooting Range Fun and other interesting stuff!

Hey Hey Hey!
I went to the shooting range this weekend and it was very interesting. I was so scared at first because guns were a little bit louder than I expected. But after I shot a couple of rounds, I was all excited and into it. So yeah, it was really fun. :)

Looking cute as always! ;)

Here I go! Yeah boy...

Not bad as my first time. You don't want to mess with me!! lol...

Unfortunately, I did get hurt! Nothing major but it still hurts! :(

My boyfriend bought me bunch of candy! They are soooo good, and CUTE!! He is trying to make me fat so nobody else would want me! haha...

Aren't they adorable?!!


One last thing. After two months of loooooong wait, I FINALLY got my diploma! The receptionist said there was a hold on my account and that's why it was late. So I asked her what the hold was. She was like ummm....I am not sure. OOOOKAAAAYYYY...You just had me wait for no reason? Oh well, at least I got it at the end and that's the most important thing.

So... After four years full of sleepless nights, studying for exams instead of celebrating the weekends, and being in debt. This is what I get at the end....YAY! lol...

I am making more jewelries so come check out my website:

Talk to you soon, peace!

Friday, August 28, 2009

I am on YouTube! YAY!

Finally got on YouTube. Nothing too fancy, just a product review video. I am trying to think of some other video topics other than make up related. Help me out if you have any ideas. Thanks for the support!

Got bored and took bunch of pictures! :)

Peace! ^-^

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Jewelry & Accessory Shop - OPEN! YAY

Hey hey hey, everybody!

Building the website and making more jewelry have been keeping me pretty busy recently. I had one of the most relaxing weekend ever, just sat around the house and did absolutly NOTHING! haha...Well, I went get Sushi on Saturday and seen G.I. Joe, and it was alright. I really want to see the movie "9", looks pretty sweet!

Well, I am going to keep it short this time. Check out my website, got bunch of cute stuff on there! :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

What a Beautiful Day!

Hello Lovely People! It's been a while since my last post, because I had so much going since. Went to the Ohio State Fair last weekend, and it was super fun!

NEWS!!!! I am currently building my jewelry website. I am really picky so it takes forever to get it to the way I want it. So be patient with me here! =]

Alrighty, that's all for now! Leave you guys with something funny...

Yesterday I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I eased my car over to
the shoulder of the road, carefully get out of the car and open the
trunk. .

I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them at the rear of
my car facing oncoming traffic. They look so life like you wouldn't
believe it!

They are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies to the approaching

To my surprise, cars start slowing down looking at my lifelike men
made it safer for me to work at the side of the road. And of course,
traffic starts backing up. Everybody is tooting their horns and waving
like crazy. It wasn't long before a state trooper pulls up behind me.

He gets out of his car and starts walking towards me. I could tell he
was not a happy camper!

'What's going on here? '

'My car has a flat tire', I said calmly.

'Well, what are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road? '

I couldn't believe that he didn't know. So I told him,
'Helloooooo, those are my emergency flashers! '

Monday, July 27, 2009

MAC Graphic Garden Giveaway

MAC Graphic Garden Giveaway

Fresh Cut Palette

Graphic Garden Palette

For more details, go to Nu Nu Doll's blog - Hurry because the Giveaway ends on August 21st. Good Luck! :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Super Funny "Getting out of speedling tickets" Joke.

Ni Hao everyone! :)
*Ni Hao = Hello in Chinese"

Here is a joke that I heard from my dad this weekend. I think it's hilarious so I wanted to share with everybody. Okay, here it goes...

This guy was driving on the highway in his red Porsche one afternoon. He got a little carried away and did not realize the fact that he was speeding. A police car got behind him, and the guy took off as soon as he saw the lights flashing. After a couple of seconds, the guy thought to himself - "Why am I running from the police? I am just going to get myself into more trouble." So he pulled over.

The police officer has had a long day, so he said to the guy:"If you give me an excuse that I have never heard of, I will let you go."

So the guy went:"Well, officer. Last month my wife ran away with a cop, and I thought you were trying to give her back!" The cop laughed,told the guy to have a nice day and drove off.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."

Whats up everybody! Finally decided to start doing this blog thingy (just to see what it is all about). Hopefully it won't take me too long to figure out everything! LoL....

Well...Let's see. I guess a little about myself. My name is Yang, and KiKi is my nickname. Some people also call me Rose (idk why). I use to love koala bear and a friend of mine started to call me koalaqueen! haha..Yeah, I know. I have a lot of nicknames! lol..

I think that's enough information for now! lol...Have a super beautiful day! =D